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. industry of the country, failed to pass the US Congress, the . You are at: The Philippine Star > News > . ARTICLE TOOLS
If the US Congress can hold hearings and advocate the secession of a state in Pakistan, perhaps Pakistan's parliament should be discussing and advocating the secession of a US .
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Several members of the Congress . The letters to the news organizations did not contain . letters were The Colbert Report, Washington Post, USA .
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becoming a government in 1948. (SALEM) - Who would have .
WASHINGTON: In an effort to retain the best foreign talent in the country, a bill has been introduced in the US Congress, which if passed, would give direct .
Congress reflects us in all our strengths and all our weaknesses. It reflects our . Its authors expected the greater power to lie with Congress as described in Article One.
E-mail, call or write the President, Congress or state and . Roll Call Daily Briefing provides us congress news articles the best, up-to-date news . it mildly, this is a budget that is challenging for us to .
News: The Independent reports that US Congress blocked $200 million in aid to Palestinian Authority following Mahmoud Abbas' bid for UN membership and is threatening wider .
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